Module blaseball_mike.models

Models includes wrapped objects for easily consuming data from the Blaseball API and other community sources. Every known API response has a respective object, found in one of the included sub-modules.

Models are loaded by using one of their class method loaders, depending on context. For example, if you wanted a list of all players and their internal attributes on a given in-game day:

>>> from blaseball_mike.models import Player
>>> all_players = Player.load_all_by_gameday(season=18, day=3)

This will return a list of Player objects. Objects contain all the traditional fields found in the API, as well as helper functions for common tasks. For example:

>>> york = Player.find_by_name("York Silk")
>>> york.get_hitting_stars()

In addition, fields that previously referenced IDs of other objects will lazy-load those objects automatically.

>>> from blaseball_mike.models import Team
>>> fridays = Team.load_by_name('fridays')
>>> [ for player in fridays.lineup]
['Elijah Valenzuela', 'Juice Collins', 'York Silk', 'Baldwin Breadwinner', 'Terrell Bradley', 'Sixpack Dogwalker', 'Fletcher Yamamoto', 'Bevan Underbuck', 'Christian Combs']


Simulated stlats

If you want to see how a decree/blessing may shake out, you can make a simulated copy of a player with modified stats.

>>> york = Player.load_one('86d4e22b-f107-4bcf-9625-32d387fcb521')
>>> yorks = [york.simulated_copy(multipliers={'overall_rating': n/100.0}) for n in range(1, 10)]
>>> [y.batting_rating for y in yorks]
[0.9823391734764451, 0.991192294100704, 1.000038548392815, 1.0088780122143204, 1.0177107598404203, 1.026536864008585, 1.0353563959652192, 1.0441694255104683, 1.0529760210412604]

Find player by name

This hooks into the blaseball-reference API for reverse name lookup (relatively slow, please be gentle)

>>> kiki = Player.find_by_name('Kiki Familia')
'Kiki Familia'

stlats viewer CLI

>>> from blaseball_mike.utils import print_stlats
>>> fridays = Team.load_by_name('fridays')
>>> print_stlats(*fridays.rotation)
name        base  cont  grou  indu  lase  divi  mart  moxi  musc  path  thwa  trag  anti  chas  omni  tena  watc  cold  over  ruth  shak  unth  cinn  dece  pean  pres  soul  tota
Bevan Unde  0.91  0.74  0.81  0.57  0.81  0.22  0.76  0.61  0.11  0.01  0.11  0.10  0.21  0.38  0.59  0.97  0.70  0.42  0.34  0.15  0.93  0.50  0.56  0.00  1.00  0.20  6.00  13.00
Stevenson   0.97  0.23  0.38  0.57  0.85  0.88  0.28  0.17  0.42  0.20  0.52  0.10  1.04  0.65  0.16  0.97  0.80  0.40  0.36  0.83  0.08  0.42  0.67  0.00  1.00  0.47  4.00  12.00
James Mora  0.80  0.41  0.33  0.66  0.11  0.36  0.86  0.49  0.76  0.10  0.92  0.10  0.51  0.57  0.69  0.46  1.08  0.09  0.59  0.52  0.12  0.23  0.18  0.00  1.00  0.54  3.00  12.00
Sixpack Do  0.98  0.10  0.92  0.18  0.03  0.55  0.24  0.75  0.89  0.90  0.66  0.10  0.89  0.18  0.69  0.43  0.55  0.78  0.78  0.46  0.09  0.55  0.89  0.00  0.00  0.60  4.00  12.00
Evelton Mc  0.38  0.48  0.34  0.10  0.43  0.16  0.42  0.04  0.15  0.69  0.16  0.10  0.20  1.14  0.56  0.64  0.19  0.99  0.85  0.65  0.17  0.12  0.88  0.00  1.00  0.81  4.00  12.00

Current day

>>> from blaseball_mike.models import SimulationData
>>> sim = SimulationData.load()
Expand source code
Models includes wrapped objects for easily consuming data from the Blaseball API and other community sources. Every
known API response has a respective object, found in one of the included sub-modules.

.. include:: ../../docs/

.. include:: ../../docs/


from .base import *
from .player import *
from .team import *
from .game import *
from .fight import *
from .item import *
from .modification import *
from .season import *
from .league import *
from .election import *
from .playoff import *
from .leaderboard import *
from .statsheet import *
from .simulation_data import *
from .global_event import *
from .feed import *
from .stadium import *
from .weather import *

