Module blaseball_mike.models.leaderboard

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from collections import OrderedDict

from dateutil.parser import parse

from .base import Base
from .player import Player
from .. import database, chronicler

class Idol(Base):
    """Represents a single idol board player"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = list(cls.load().values())[0]
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls):
        """Load current idol board. Returns ordered dictionary of idols keyed by player ID."""
        idols = database.get_idols()
        idols_dict = OrderedDict()
        for idol in idols['idols']:
            idols_dict[idol] = cls({"playerId": idol})
        return idols_dict

    @Base.lazy_load("_player_id", cache_name="_player")
    def player_id(self):
        return Player.load_one(self._player_id)

    def player(self):
        return self.player_id

class Tribute(Base):
    """Represents a single tribute recipient on the hall of flame"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = list(cls.load().values())[0]
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls):
        """Load current hall of flame. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID."""
        tributes = database.get_tributes().get("players", list())
        tributes_dict = OrderedDict()
        for tribute in tributes:
            tributes_dict[tribute['playerId']] = cls(tribute)
        return tributes_dict

    def load_at_time(cls, time):
        """Load hall of flame at a given time. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID."""
        if isinstance(time, str):
            time = parse(time)

        tributes = list(chronicler.get_entities("tributes", at=time))
        tributes_dict = OrderedDict()
        if len(tributes) == 0:
            return tributes_dict
        tribute_list = tributes[0]["data"]
        if isinstance(tribute_list, dict):  # S20 changed it to a dictionary
            tribute_list = tribute_list["players"]
        for tribute in tribute_list:
            tributes_dict[tribute['playerId']] = cls(tribute)
        return tributes_dict

    @Base.lazy_load("_player_id", cache_name="_player")
    def player_id(self):
        if getattr(self, "timestamp", None):
            player = Player.load_one_at_time(self._player_id, self.timestamp)
            if player is not None:
                return player

            # Due to early archiving issues we do not have accurate data for players incinerated before S2D38. If we
            # cannot find a player at the timestamp passed by the user, instead return the closest data we have and
            # update the player's timestamp accordingly.
            players = chronicler.get_versions("player", id_=self._player_id, after=self.timestamp, order="asc", count=1)
            if len(players) == 0:
                return None
            player = Player(dict(players[0]["data"], timestamp=players[0]["firstSeen"]))
            player = Player.load_one(self._player_id)
        return player

    def player(self):
        return self.player_id


class Idol (data, strict=False)

Represents a single idol board player

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class Idol(Base):
    """Represents a single idol board player"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = list(cls.load().values())[0]
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls):
        """Load current idol board. Returns ordered dictionary of idols keyed by player ID."""
        idols = database.get_idols()
        idols_dict = OrderedDict()
        for idol in idols['idols']:
            idols_dict[idol] = cls({"playerId": idol})
        return idols_dict

    @Base.lazy_load("_player_id", cache_name="_player")
    def player_id(self):
        return Player.load_one(self._player_id)

    def player(self):
        return self.player_id


Static methods

def load()

Load current idol board. Returns ordered dictionary of idols keyed by player ID.

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def load(cls):
    """Load current idol board. Returns ordered dictionary of idols keyed by player ID."""
    idols = database.get_idols()
    idols_dict = OrderedDict()
    for idol in idols['idols']:
        idols_dict[idol] = cls({"playerId": idol})
    return idols_dict

Instance variables

var player
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def player(self):
    return self.player_id
var player_id
class Tribute (data, strict=False)

Represents a single tribute recipient on the hall of flame

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class Tribute(Base):
    """Represents a single tribute recipient on the hall of flame"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = list(cls.load().values())[0]
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls):
        """Load current hall of flame. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID."""
        tributes = database.get_tributes().get("players", list())
        tributes_dict = OrderedDict()
        for tribute in tributes:
            tributes_dict[tribute['playerId']] = cls(tribute)
        return tributes_dict

    def load_at_time(cls, time):
        """Load hall of flame at a given time. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID."""
        if isinstance(time, str):
            time = parse(time)

        tributes = list(chronicler.get_entities("tributes", at=time))
        tributes_dict = OrderedDict()
        if len(tributes) == 0:
            return tributes_dict
        tribute_list = tributes[0]["data"]
        if isinstance(tribute_list, dict):  # S20 changed it to a dictionary
            tribute_list = tribute_list["players"]
        for tribute in tribute_list:
            tributes_dict[tribute['playerId']] = cls(tribute)
        return tributes_dict

    @Base.lazy_load("_player_id", cache_name="_player")
    def player_id(self):
        if getattr(self, "timestamp", None):
            player = Player.load_one_at_time(self._player_id, self.timestamp)
            if player is not None:
                return player

            # Due to early archiving issues we do not have accurate data for players incinerated before S2D38. If we
            # cannot find a player at the timestamp passed by the user, instead return the closest data we have and
            # update the player's timestamp accordingly.
            players = chronicler.get_versions("player", id_=self._player_id, after=self.timestamp, order="asc", count=1)
            if len(players) == 0:
                return None
            player = Player(dict(players[0]["data"], timestamp=players[0]["firstSeen"]))
            player = Player.load_one(self._player_id)
        return player

    def player(self):
        return self.player_id


Static methods

def load()

Load current hall of flame. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID.

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def load(cls):
    """Load current hall of flame. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID."""
    tributes = database.get_tributes().get("players", list())
    tributes_dict = OrderedDict()
    for tribute in tributes:
        tributes_dict[tribute['playerId']] = cls(tribute)
    return tributes_dict
def load_at_time(time)

Load hall of flame at a given time. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID.

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def load_at_time(cls, time):
    """Load hall of flame at a given time. Returns ordered dictionary of tributes keyed by player ID."""
    if isinstance(time, str):
        time = parse(time)

    tributes = list(chronicler.get_entities("tributes", at=time))
    tributes_dict = OrderedDict()
    if len(tributes) == 0:
        return tributes_dict
    tribute_list = tributes[0]["data"]
    if isinstance(tribute_list, dict):  # S20 changed it to a dictionary
        tribute_list = tribute_list["players"]
    for tribute in tribute_list:
        tributes_dict[tribute['playerId']] = cls(tribute)
    return tributes_dict

Instance variables

var peanuts
var player
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def player(self):
    return self.player_id
var player_id