Module blaseball_mike.models.playoff

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from .base import Base
from .game import Game
from .team import Team
from .. import database

class Playoff(Base):
    """Represents a playoff bracket"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = cls.load_by_season(11)
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load_by_season(cls, season):
        """Load playoffs by season. Season is 1-indexed."""
        playoff = database.get_playoff_details(season)
        return cls(playoff)

    @Base.lazy_load("_rounds_ids", cache_name="_rounds", default_value=list())
    def rounds(self):
        return [PlayoffRound.load(id_) for id_ in self._rounds_ids]

    def get_round_by_number(self, round_number):
        Get games from a specific round of playoffs. Round number is 1-indexed
        num = round_number - 1
        if num >= len(self._rounds_ids) or num < 0:
            return None
        return self.rounds[num]

    @Base.lazy_load("_winner_id", cache_name="_winner")
    def winner(self):
        return Team.load(self._winner_id)

    @Base.lazy_load("_season", use_default=False)
    def season(self):
        return self._season + 1

class PlayoffRound(Base):
    """Represents a round of playoff games"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = cls.load("34c99cbf-1d7d-4715-8957-8abcba3c5b89")
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls, id_):
        """Load round by ID."""
        round_ = database.get_playoff_round(id_)
        return cls(round_)

    def games(self):
        Get all games in this round.
        if all(self._games):
            return self._games
        for day, games in enumerate(self._games_ids):
            if self._games[day]:
            self._games[day] = [Game.load_by_id(id_) for id_ in games if id_ != "none"]
        return self._games

    def games(self, value):
        self._games = [None] * len(value)
        self._games_ids = value
        self.key_transform_lookup["games"] = "_games_ids"

    def get_games_by_number(self, game_number):
        Get games by game number in series (IE: Game 1 of 5). Game number is 1-indexed
        num = game_number - 1
        if num >= len(self._games_ids) or num < 0:
            return []
        if self._games[num]:
            return self._games[num]
        self._games[num] = [Game.load_by_id(id_) for id_ in self._games_ids[num] if id_ != "none"]
        return self._games[num]

    @Base.lazy_load("_matchups_ids", cache_name="_matchups", default_value=list())
    def matchups(self):
        matchups = PlayoffMatchup.load(*self._matchups_ids)
        return [matchups.get(id_) for id_ in self._matchups_ids]

    @Base.lazy_load("_winners_ids", cache_name="_winners", default_value=list())
    def winners(self):
        return [Team.load(x) for x in self._winners_ids]

class PlayoffMatchup(Base):
    """Represents a matchup information of teams in a playoff"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = cls.load_one("bee2a1e6-50d6-4866-a7b4-f13705873052")
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls, *ids_):
        """Load matchup by ID."""
        matchups = database.get_playoff_matchups(list(ids_))
        return {
            id_: cls(matchup) for (id_, matchup) in matchups.items()

    def load_one(cls, id_):
        return cls.load(id_).get(id_)

    @Base.lazy_load("_away_team_id", cache_name="_away_team")
    def away_team(self):
        return Team.load(self._away_team_id)

    @Base.lazy_load("_home_team_id", cache_name="_home_team")
    def home_team(self):
        return Team.load(self._home_team_id)


class Playoff (data, strict=False)

Represents a playoff bracket

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class Playoff(Base):
    """Represents a playoff bracket"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = cls.load_by_season(11)
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load_by_season(cls, season):
        """Load playoffs by season. Season is 1-indexed."""
        playoff = database.get_playoff_details(season)
        return cls(playoff)

    @Base.lazy_load("_rounds_ids", cache_name="_rounds", default_value=list())
    def rounds(self):
        return [PlayoffRound.load(id_) for id_ in self._rounds_ids]

    def get_round_by_number(self, round_number):
        Get games from a specific round of playoffs. Round number is 1-indexed
        num = round_number - 1
        if num >= len(self._rounds_ids) or num < 0:
            return None
        return self.rounds[num]

    @Base.lazy_load("_winner_id", cache_name="_winner")
    def winner(self):
        return Team.load(self._winner_id)

    @Base.lazy_load("_season", use_default=False)
    def season(self):
        return self._season + 1


Static methods

def load_by_season(season)

Load playoffs by season. Season is 1-indexed.

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def load_by_season(cls, season):
    """Load playoffs by season. Season is 1-indexed."""
    playoff = database.get_playoff_details(season)
    return cls(playoff)

Instance variables

var bracket
var id
var name
var number_of_rounds
var playoff_day
var round
var rounds
var season
var tomorrow_round
var tournament
var winner


def get_round_by_number(self, round_number)

Get games from a specific round of playoffs. Round number is 1-indexed

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def get_round_by_number(self, round_number):
    Get games from a specific round of playoffs. Round number is 1-indexed
    num = round_number - 1
    if num >= len(self._rounds_ids) or num < 0:
        return None
    return self.rounds[num]
class PlayoffMatchup (data, strict=False)

Represents a matchup information of teams in a playoff

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class PlayoffMatchup(Base):
    """Represents a matchup information of teams in a playoff"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = cls.load_one("bee2a1e6-50d6-4866-a7b4-f13705873052")
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls, *ids_):
        """Load matchup by ID."""
        matchups = database.get_playoff_matchups(list(ids_))
        return {
            id_: cls(matchup) for (id_, matchup) in matchups.items()

    def load_one(cls, id_):
        return cls.load(id_).get(id_)

    @Base.lazy_load("_away_team_id", cache_name="_away_team")
    def away_team(self):
        return Team.load(self._away_team_id)

    @Base.lazy_load("_home_team_id", cache_name="_home_team")
    def home_team(self):
        return Team.load(self._home_team_id)


Static methods

def load(*ids_)

Load matchup by ID.

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def load(cls, *ids_):
    """Load matchup by ID."""
    matchups = database.get_playoff_matchups(list(ids_))
    return {
        id_: cls(matchup) for (id_, matchup) in matchups.items()
def load_one(id_)
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def load_one(cls, id_):
    return cls.load(id_).get(id_)

Instance variables

var away_seed
var away_team
var away_wins
var games_needed
var games_played
var home_seed
var home_team
var home_wins
var id
var name
class PlayoffRound (data, strict=False)

Represents a round of playoff games

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class PlayoffRound(Base):
    """Represents a round of playoff games"""
    def _get_fields(cls):
        p = cls.load("34c99cbf-1d7d-4715-8957-8abcba3c5b89")
        return [cls._from_api_conversion(x) for x in p.fields]

    def load(cls, id_):
        """Load round by ID."""
        round_ = database.get_playoff_round(id_)
        return cls(round_)

    def games(self):
        Get all games in this round.
        if all(self._games):
            return self._games
        for day, games in enumerate(self._games_ids):
            if self._games[day]:
            self._games[day] = [Game.load_by_id(id_) for id_ in games if id_ != "none"]
        return self._games

    def games(self, value):
        self._games = [None] * len(value)
        self._games_ids = value
        self.key_transform_lookup["games"] = "_games_ids"

    def get_games_by_number(self, game_number):
        Get games by game number in series (IE: Game 1 of 5). Game number is 1-indexed
        num = game_number - 1
        if num >= len(self._games_ids) or num < 0:
            return []
        if self._games[num]:
            return self._games[num]
        self._games[num] = [Game.load_by_id(id_) for id_ in self._games_ids[num] if id_ != "none"]
        return self._games[num]

    @Base.lazy_load("_matchups_ids", cache_name="_matchups", default_value=list())
    def matchups(self):
        matchups = PlayoffMatchup.load(*self._matchups_ids)
        return [matchups.get(id_) for id_ in self._matchups_ids]

    @Base.lazy_load("_winners_ids", cache_name="_winners", default_value=list())
    def winners(self):
        return [Team.load(x) for x in self._winners_ids]


Static methods

def load(id_)

Load round by ID.

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def load(cls, id_):
    """Load round by ID."""
    round_ = database.get_playoff_round(id_)
    return cls(round_)

Instance variables

var game_index
var games
var id
var matchups
var name
var round_number
var special
var winner_seeds
var winners


def get_games_by_number(self, game_number)

Get games by game number in series (IE: Game 1 of 5). Game number is 1-indexed

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def get_games_by_number(self, game_number):
    Get games by game number in series (IE: Game 1 of 5). Game number is 1-indexed
    num = game_number - 1
    if num >= len(self._games_ids) or num < 0:
        return []
    if self._games[num]:
        return self._games[num]
    self._games[num] = [Game.load_by_id(id_) for id_ in self._games_ids[num] if id_ != "none"]
    return self._games[num]