Module blaseball_mike.utils

Misc utils

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"""Misc utils"""
import datetime

from . import chronicler

def print_stlats(*players, headers=None):
    Pretty print the stlats for the given list of players
    headers = headers or [

    # hey wanna see something messed up
    print('name        ' + ('{:<6}' * len(headers)).format(*[h[:4] for h in headers]))
    for player in players:
        print('{:<12}'.format([:10]) + ('{:<6.2f}' * len(headers)).format(*[float(getattr(player, h)) for h in headers]))

def csv_format(*models, headers=None):
    Transforms an arbitrary list of models into a list of lists for easy export, ie to CSV.
    By default, will extract all headers from the given models' json, but specific headers can be given with
    the `headers` param as a list.
    blobs = [model.json() for model in models]
    if not headers:
        # extract from models
        headers = []
        for blob in blobs:
            for key in blob:
                if key not in headers:

    res = [headers]
    for model in models:
        res.append([getattr(model, header, None) for header in headers])
    return res

def get_gameday_start_time(season, day):
    # TIME_FUDGE accounts for latency in the streamdata polling vs the player/team endpoint polls
    TIME_FUDGE = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
    if season < 1:
        raise ValueError("Season must be >= 1")
    if day < 1:
        raise ValueError("Day must be >= 1")
    timestamp = chronicler.time_map(season=season, day=day)
    if len(timestamp) == 0:
        return None
    return timestamp[0]["startTime"] + TIME_FUDGE


def csv_format(*models, headers=None)

Transforms an arbitrary list of models into a list of lists for easy export, ie to CSV. By default, will extract all headers from the given models' json, but specific headers can be given with the headers param as a list.

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def csv_format(*models, headers=None):
    Transforms an arbitrary list of models into a list of lists for easy export, ie to CSV.
    By default, will extract all headers from the given models' json, but specific headers can be given with
    the `headers` param as a list.
    blobs = [model.json() for model in models]
    if not headers:
        # extract from models
        headers = []
        for blob in blobs:
            for key in blob:
                if key not in headers:

    res = [headers]
    for model in models:
        res.append([getattr(model, header, None) for header in headers])
    return res
def get_gameday_start_time(season, day)
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def get_gameday_start_time(season, day):
    # TIME_FUDGE accounts for latency in the streamdata polling vs the player/team endpoint polls
    TIME_FUDGE = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5)
    if season < 1:
        raise ValueError("Season must be >= 1")
    if day < 1:
        raise ValueError("Day must be >= 1")
    timestamp = chronicler.time_map(season=season, day=day)
    if len(timestamp) == 0:
        return None
    return timestamp[0]["startTime"] + TIME_FUDGE
def print_stlats(*players, headers=None)

Pretty print the stlats for the given list of players

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def print_stlats(*players, headers=None):
    Pretty print the stlats for the given list of players
    headers = headers or [

    # hey wanna see something messed up
    print('name        ' + ('{:<6}' * len(headers)).format(*[h[:4] for h in headers]))
    for player in players:
        print('{:<12}'.format([:10]) + ('{:<6.2f}' * len(headers)).format(*[float(getattr(player, h)) for h in headers]))